Thursday, April 28, 2005

The month is closing out

The month is closing out and I have been drinking water like a fish!!. I expect to grow gills someday soon here LOL. I have always made it a policy to drink half of my body weight in ounces per day and with the weight that I was at, honey that was ALOT of ounces. But seemingly todays water intake quota has almost been fulfilled and it's not even 11:30 am yet. What's up with that? I've been peeing like a race horse but I'm craving water like it's going out of style. I know, I know, this is a very good thing but it's also a little irritating. I don't want to overhydrate myself today so hopefully I can space out this last 32 ounces of water that I need to drink I mean I'm not even hungry at all. I used to have to choke water down I just wouldn't drink it. Shoot Kool aid, Juice, POP and even milk where better alternatives to me them in my own mind to drink but now water is just about the ONLY beverage that I drink. Well that and tea. Hey I heard some great reviews about green tea so I may try to get a couple of cups of green tea in fot the next few days and see how that works. I'll keep you updates with the results to that.


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