Time for a new blog.
I was wondering are we supposed to write in this thing daily? Because if so I am soooo off LOL. I am gaining some perspective on all of this and balancing out my spiritual life and making time to workout is a challenge but it has to be done.
I have found myself going through a vicious cycle that I feel if I blog about it I will have to face it and make a change. My weekend eating is absolutely TERRIBLE. Sunday after church is the day that it all goes downhill!! We have these big sunday dinners and even with me cooking healthy I still end up overeating what is the deal? I'm usually not a breakfast person so on Sunday mornings I don't eat breakfast and if I do it's a fruit, oats, flaxseeds, and maybe yogurt or milk mixed in smoothie. I try to conserve my calories. But when I get home and start cooking I'm taste testing, I'm pinching here and there, and I eat and sometimes I do really good but sometimes....Like this past mothers day, I was very very BAD. I made an 8 x 8 Pan of bannana pudding and my husband bought a cake and no one wanted bannan pudding so guess who ate it all? "raising a guilty hand"
Then starting monday I am in the process of consecration and although I don't mention this to many this is my personal blog and I know that I need to talk about this. Well with the consecration I don't eat anything until after I get off of work plus I'm broke until payday(tire incident is the cause) so it works out alright. Except for one thing. I workout on my lunch. Well I don't have any fuel to workout on so by the time I get home it's over for the food, it's demolishing time.
I know that fasting leads to bingeing I'm not stupid or ignorant to this fact but my fasting is not about depriving myself of food it is really about spiritual enlightenment and hearing the Voice of God and seeking his face. So I'm stuck with a dilema.
I incidentally have my scale in the restroom so ofcourse everytime I go to pee I jump on it and I have been fluctuating between 256-258 back and forth it depends on what time of day that I get on. Well this cycle has to come to an end. I am becoming so burnt out that I have no energy to excerise when I get home. I'm not lazy or anything, Lord knows with 2 kids and a husband always asking for stuff I never have time to be a couch potato LOL. Plus I am active in alot of church activites, have a son in tee ball and my daughter is a girl scout. Sounds like I should be about 110 lbs right HAHAHA yeah right!
Anyhoo While working out I came up with this wonderful Idea.......because I am trying to run for my life to be healthier and I've gotten the basics down of cooking healthier and eating healthier and I'm striving to spend my mornings all up in Jesus's face stank breaf and all I might as well start working out early in the morning. I always read about and hear about the wonderful early morning jog that skinny and fit people do and I actually tried it once for about 2 or 3 months about 3 years ago and then just quit because of my work schedule and Quincy's work shedule and leaving the kids home alone and all. But NOW Quincy doesn't leave to go to work until 7:00 am because he is working at a new job aha!! I can get up at 6:00pm and instead of rolling around and whining cause God woke me up that early to pray and instead of snoring during my morning prayer I can hit the pavement and pray and meditate on the goodness of God all at the same time!!! Wooohoooo sounds like a winner to me. I think I'm on to something....Ok OK I can't take all the credit for this the Holy Ghost told this to me when I was coming back to work from a lunch workout and I took all the credit for this wonderful idea LOL. Sorry Holy Ghost I know I will not do it again *smh* LOL. Okay so now that I'm coming to a head with what I want to do about combining physical fitness and my spirituality, How do I control this stupid dangon overeating!!! I guess I need to go back to my Good Book, My instruction for living book the Good ole' Bible to find out about it. I was in 3FC forum and there was a woman names funniegirl that gave excellent insight on how to stay not only motivated but determined to get this weight off.
Create a plan and execute. Eating is 60% of the battle of the bulge so I'm trying to concentrate on eating better. Heck exercise is not the problem.
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