Spiritual Things
After going through and checking out some other weightloss sites and just doing a basic review of my own regimen and where I am spiritually I had to take a sit down and just evaluate myself. I have been struggling lately spiritually because I was so focused on the weightloss. Therefore I am taking a timeout and getting my relationship together with the Lord and reconciling to where I was before this FLESH took over. I was getting up 6 o'clock in the morning and getting a brisk wonderful run in and not praying and interceding for others as the Lord prompted me to do.
When I get off of work I never get a chance to sit down because My new babysitter lives 45 minutes away from my job so by the time i get home it's time to go to our churches evening services in which I cannot miss them because I am on the praise and worship team and so I open up the services with my sisters and I am a bible study teacher so missing is not an option. Some nights I wouldn't even see the comfort of my own home until 9:30pm and I get off of work at 5. Well if I don't come home until 9:30pm then that means I don't eat until 10 o'clock and the kids have to eat so do my husband. This is not even taking into account that my daughter is in Cheerleading and my son just finished up teeball(Thank you Jesus). So even in between home and church I'm dropping the kids off at practice and blah blah blah. Needless to say the only time I have to workout is in the Mornings before my day starts. Well I'm right now in a place where i feel as if I have no control and i know that God comes first and i tithe my time everymorning to him but I have been neglecting him lately. I do get in prayer time but my early morning worship is where I need to be back at. The Lord has given me some instruction as to where I need to be right now so I am basically sitting and listening to whatever it is that he wants me to do. I don't want to neglect my family and home for the sake of church programs but I receive my strength and healing and my God time in the fellowship of the saints and afterall The Lord gave the command, forsake ye not to assemble yourselves. It's all for the upbuilding of the kingdom of God and the edification of the Body of Christ. So as of right now I will blog but maybe not as much....well it's not like anyone responds anyways LOL.
So in short I am taking time out for a sabbatical to spend with my Lord and sit in the secret place and obtain guidance and direction under the shadow of the almighty. I'll be back to report soon but for now I am keeping my mind on the spiritual things.
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