Saturday, June 11, 2005

I did 3 miles today!!!

WOOHOO GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT!!! Thank you Jesus! I just hit a milestone this morning guys I did 3 whole miles. I ran 2 miles straight out on a neighborhood loop and I walk/jogged the 3rd mile and I did it all in 39:10 minutes. First mile was ran in 12:40 and the second mile was ran in 11:30 and the 3rd mile I Walk/jogged in about 16 minutes. It would've been faster had I ran that whole 3rd mile but I want to pace myself in running I don't want to burn out too fast on this. I am on top of the world today guys I feel great!! I had a loss as well in my weight so that's always a plus but I'm more happy that i was able to push myself to run that far. My weght as of today is 253.6 which is down 2 lbs from last week. But anyhoo, I remember looking at people running when i would go walking and I'd say that's gonna be me one day. As soon as I lose this weight I'm gonna be running and chatting with my running buddies, but now I CAN run and I do run, I didn't have to wait until I lost weigt I am doing it now. unfortunately I don't have anyone to run with but I may check out a few running spots in the future and meet and greet one day I dunno but anyhoo hooray for me and thanks you guys so much for your encouragement! Oh yes and another thing I never wrote about in here although I don't know why is my new george formean grill. It is the BOMB I could kiss that bald headed boxer if I wasn't married because he patented the perfect invention! Go George Foreman! woohoo I'm on top of the world!


At 3:35 PM , Blogger Deb Legg said...

Very Inspirational! You Go! I'm not sure if I could WALK 3 miles in 39:10, but I will run it some day! Keep it up!

At 10:36 AM , Blogger MrsDawsondn said...

You can do it! Just put one foot in front of the other and when you start running please fill me in on it so I can track your progress.


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