Water Winners
For some odd reason my bladder was on overload yesterday. Man I was peeing like a racehorse ALL DAY yesterday. I don't understand why though because I drink 128 oz a day maybe about 80 oz on a bad day and I've been doing this since like May consistantly.
It's not like I am going through the first stages of the flushing and toxin removal and retention release thingy, atleast I don't think so. I have been on a MAJOR plateau here lately so maybe it was releasing some water retention or something? I dunno even when I work out I'm sweating like CRAZY! I mean I sweat and it's no biggie but now when I work out I litterally have to take my glasses off and clean them during the workout because I have big ole water drops of sweat on my lenses lol . Shoot, just this morning I pulled out my running gear and felt bad because they were still soak and wet from when I took them off yesterday. I'm a little embarassed to admit it but I put the sweaty wet clothes on and went for my morning walk anyways .I hope I am dropping some water weight or sumthin cause this plateau thing is killing me!!
Oh yeah and a quick update! Yesterday was Little Quincy's first football game... well it was a scrimage but it was his first. And he was in the starting lineup!!! Go Stink Go Stink (that's my nickname for my baby). The Tigers won their game and they did good. Shoot they were running that field, and get this they were playing against kids 1-2 years older than them. My Cousins son was a beast on the field and lil Quincy did good with blocking too. He even get a chance to do some relief Quarterback on one play! WTG baby! Mommy's proud of you. Here's a couple of pictures of my little man in his shining glory.

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