Weekend picnic

Okay so I've officially posted my blog on NP.com and I am hoping to get some readers so I guess I need to start updating this thing regularly cause people will be checking in on me HAHA. Well as for my weekend it was pretty cool. We had a church picnic and it was REALLY hot but you know I thought I was cute with my new jeans on and my oversize tee with my grandmother and granddaddy on it. I figure what's the point of getting super cute and buying a new outfit when eventually I may get pinged with a water ballon or get some bbq sauce on my shirt(which I did) plus as a new adoption to this healthy active way of life a sista was playing like a big ole kid out there. i was tossing the football trying to rally up some adults to play kickball(some obliged others kept putting it off so that was a bust), and playing volleyball (boooo kickball would've been lots more fun). It was great because there were alot of growups out there playing with the kids like kids LOL. I guess I never noticed it before cause I'd usually be running up to the table going for my second plate or third plate of helpings or drinking my 5th mountain dew or Pepsi for the day LOL. I love being active I was sweaty as pig and prolly funky as one too but so what so was everybody else. It was like 90 something degrees outside with smodlering heat (atleast it felt like it lol) and to be completely honest gas costs to much for me to be turning my air on when we could just get a nice breeze flowing into the car. I kept thinking like this: Okay going into air conditioning then turnging around and coming back outside into the heat just makes coping with the heat so much worse!!! It's better to just stay in the element get used to it and enjoy it while it lasts. I remember thinking about my days as a child. No matter what the temperature I could go outside and play all day with the exception of coming in the house to pee or get some water and the weather NEVER bothered me one bit. But as I became an adult and got a little lazy and fell in love with air conditioning and heat I just couldn't go outside because it was just too hot or too cold to be out in that mess. NOW i see going out and staying in the element and having fun regardless makes it all worthwhile. And yes I was outside rocking my jeans like a pro and my big old tee shirt. I wore the jeans in 90 degree weather because whenever I wear shorts I get bit up like I'm the new pricey steak on the menu for moskitoes LOL. But however. I had an awesome time!!! We joked we played we had a really good time and I think all enjoyed themselves. I was more proud of myself for staying active and not going back up to the table for seconds and thirds more than anything else. Because then I'd have come home crying because I ate too much and now I have to work all this food off LOL. Now that I've figured this active during picnic thing out I wish I could've put it into practice earlier this summer and then maybe I wouldn't be at this stupid plateau that I'm in right now, but that's another blog.
Oh OH!!! And guess what? There was a table full of cake, cinnamon rolls, cookies, brownies, and all kinds of sweets and ya girl didn't eat one bit!!! HA HA! I can resist temptation! Instead I went and grabbed a watermelon that for some odd reason everyone seemed to ignored and I cut a slice of that ate it and was on my way until i became the "please cut me a piece of watermelon" lady LOL. Yeah I got suckered into that one. And so as not to be called to do anything else as far as cutting watermelons or getting somebody a plate I resorted to playing LOL. Okay well that was my exciting blog for the weekend. Good times and great laughter. oh yeah and here's a pic of the outfit I had on for the picnic. pants size 18 woohoo!
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