Okay drama fit is over I'm doing better
Hey Guys,
Thanks so much for the votes of confidence I am feeling much much better. I guess that's what get for weighing in a day before my actual weigh in day. I got on the scale this morning and it was 5 lbs down from yesterday. Go figure right? ehh whatever........
Good news is that I was in such a slump yesterday that I went for an afterwork run just to De-stress, clear my mind, and lift my mood and I ended up running for like 48 minutes and I finished the whole swarréé in about 1 hour. I'm currently rethinking the gym membership bidness as of late, well because quite frankly a sista is broke and needs to get her car fixed and bills paid and I can workout for free so why ruin a good thing right? Anyways hubby has granted me permission to run in the mornings again yay me now I just have to get a jacket with reflectors on it and carry a .22 in the pocket LOL. No but seriously I will have some mase just in case....hey that rhymed LOL. I'm a little sleepy hence a bit of slap happiness.
Good news is Tomorrow I will be celebrating one year of weightloss, down side is that for the past 6 months I have been sorta weightloss challenged. As of September 28, 2005 I will have lost a total of 54 lbs. yayyy me right? Well hopefully if and when I make it to September 28, 2006 I'll be down to 108 lbs loss then I'll only have about 30-40 lbs to go. Man, that seems like alot but that's okay I didn't put the weight on overnight so it's not coming off that fast.
I honestly wonder if I need to join some kind of weightloss program again like weightwatchers to see the scale move, or try the south beach diet or something because this fat is holding on for dear life one day it leaves next day it's back with a avengance. I don't subscribe to diets because I don't wanna be trapped into any kind of system I want my eating habits to be changed for life not just until the weight comes off. I don't know what I'm gonna do I think I'll maybe go to sleep first and then I can clear my head and think a little more straight on this whole subject.
Well thanks for lending me your eyes TTFN "waving"
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