Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Subway cookies are the DEBIL!!!!

Dangblastit Subway and their Chewy goodness cookies *faints* I tried resisting the urge to buy some as i have been successful at doing lately but today they were just calling me and calling my name. As of today for 1 whole month I am determined not to buy ANY subway COOKIES *looks around biting nails*

I felt like a crackhead getting a fix when I ate those darn cookies. I had 2 raisin oatmeal cookies and one peanut butter cookie 3 for $1.29 That's the sucker punch to my gut. The price. BTW why in the world is it so hard to save money when eating healthy... I seem to always be too broke. And all that crap about it's worth it in the long run.... I gotta see it to believe it cause right now gas cost too much money for me to be leaving my kroger brand white bread on the shelf to dish out extra for whole grain wheat bread. Or paying darn near 3 dollars on some soy or rice or almond milk when the regular version is just $1.89 per gallon. I know right now I'm ranting because of my own mistake but so what. My diary my big mouth LOL. I know for real that it will be worth it in the end but why does it have to cost so much.

Back to subway cookies being the debil! Atleast I didn't get any chocolate chip cookies. I never by chips or a drink to go with my sub I only get the cookies so maybe they were compensating? I Dunno. And what's really messed up about all of this is that this afternoon I won't get to run it off because my hubby and I will be celebrating our Anniversary in the most inexpensive(cheap) but elegant way possible. I hate not having money on me to do what i WANT to do that sucks and he's broke too but we'll make do. Plus with it being a school night we can't stay out long so I will have no time to run when I get off of work. I guess I'll be okay but I can't help but think what in the world is my problem .

I think I'm going to check in to cookie overeaters anonymous.
*Jets out of OD Napps hung in shame........................


At 9:51 AM , Blogger Trula said...

I agree, I don't eat subway cookies but I learned to make vegan cookies and oh my!


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