Hello there lovlies and Happy Happy Happy New Years!!!!!
God has really shown himself alive in 2005 and God is gonna perform a switch in 2006!
I thank God for all that he has given me to reflect upon in my life over this past year. I've had my ups and my downs but I'm still holding on. Jesus has helped and guided me 200% of the way through this years struggles and BOY have I had some struggles. But I'm convinced that my current situation will indeeed be switched and fixed in 2006.
I don't really have new years resolutions but I do pray for certain things to take place and watch God work those things out.
Last year my prayer requests to the Lord were:
To Help me Lose Weight
To help DH get a job since he'd been laid off
Spiritual growth
God has allowed all three of my request directly to him to be granted. My DH has a job though it's a contractor job it is a JOB, I have lost weight in 2005, and my spiritual journey with the Lord has grown by leaps in bounds So I praise God for that!
As for 2006 My request to the Lord in prayer will be made and at the end of the year I will reflect upon what God has already done.
As far as goals that I am setting for myself in the now and checking results in the future is that I WILL:
Become the clean freak that I've always desired to be lol
Run a 10k this year in less than 65 minutes
Get Certs. for advancement in the workplace
As far as updates over this past weekend. I went out of town for New Years Eve for the watchnight services that our Apostle was having in Douglasville, GA. It was a very nice service.
As I reflect upon my eating I can honestly say that I did NOT journal BUT I did alot better with eating had I not been concious of my efforts to lose weight. Tomorrow is WI day and I know that there will be a gain BUT I'm okay with that. It's on to bigger and better things. I am determined to believe that this journey is not as hard as I make it out to be. It's funny when I lost the first 20-30 lbs of weight in the beginning it's like the pounds came off just from small changes that weren't too drastic. But when I hit the 50lb lost mark it's like it's been a constant struggle! I can maintain at this weight very well. I've been plateaued for since May 2005 with weights between 255-250. As I look back upon my life i was actually stuck at around 250 for a long time though before I began to gain more. As a matter of fact 250 was my normal weight for quite some time so maybe that is why it's so hard for my body to let go of that weigh at this stage?? I dunno I'm just guessing on this one but I am determined to lost this weight. I have finally made it to comfortably fitting into my size 18's and 1x-2x shirts and by the summertime I atleast want to be in a 14-16 in clothes. I know it's a goal but it can be reached!

Hello! Glad to see fellow Christian women who are fighting the good fight of faith and weight control!! God bless you and I will be praying for your sucess!!
you sound like you are in a really good place - and that's awesome! keep it up. as for the plateau. try changing up your workout, drastically. If you always run, try biking, if you bike, swim. if all you can do is run, then keep doing that, but start an interval training program (where you run really hard for 1min, the take it back down to a fairly hard pace for 5mins, and then keep alternating.
have a great 2006!
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