Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Ups and Downs and we go Round and Round

I was doing and am still doing exceptionally good but I had a gain. Big Whoop I'm not shocked and I'm not upset. IT was a +2.6lb gain. The funny thing about it is I knew it was going to happen. You see it just so happens that my Pastor called out a mandatory fast for the week last week. I normally will only fast when there is a REASON to fast. I don;t have a spirit of rebellion don't get me wrong I just have to know the spiritual PURPOSE behind the fast. FOr more insight on that please read Isaish 58:2-8. Anyways I decided that I was going to join in on the fast although I was not mentally or physically prepared for it. I completed the consecration but the inevitable began to happen as soon as the whole cycle ended. BINGEING. uughhhh splat spew for a better choice in words. This is the exact reason why I don't consecrate until my mind body and spirit are prepared. I know excuses excuses but even in the midst of it all my gain wasn't too excessive, I'm still exercising, and my water intake is amazing so all is well.

There was only one problem today while at work I somehow made the mistake of losing my wedding ring. Okay I have not paniced yet.....well okay maybe a little bit because I know that DH is going to have a cow. 3 years ago I lost a bunch of weight and while driving home one day liesurely letting my hand hang out the window to get some air my wedding ring fell off and I never found it. Sad but true. And all I had to hang on to was my band. A plain gold band. And somehow somewhere today I managed to lose it. It was very loose on my finger but I'm just surprised at how the ring just disappeared. I have no idea when the ring disappeared I just know it's not on my finger and I can't find it. There are some great ppl here on my job that are helping me look for it so hopefully it turns up somewhere soon. I've had a gracious divorced coworker offer to give me her ring because she doesn't wear it anymore and she knows how expensive they are to replace she's such a sweetheart but I'm gonna keep searching for it first.

The bad thing about it is this though. I have had all kinds of junk put on my desk eating wise as far as rewards for job well done and such and I am not gonna lie I have been grubbing. Okay the madness has been put to an end but I have to get this under control for the rest of the week and beyond!!! I have come too far to turn back now and I'm sticking to my goals. I plan on being a big loser and I'm determined it'll stay that way.

In the meantime..... Yall pray I find my band okay? Thanks and God bless you **hugs**


At 7:12 AM , Blogger MrsDawsondn said...

Actually I've fasted many many times and my body didn't go crazy this past fast was really messed up for me because spiritually, mentally, and physically I just wasn't ready for it. When I'm ready I can fast for long periods of time and still remain intact with everything else. As a matter of fact I did A 40 day fast back in Sept-Oct. You can do it. Just prepare yourself for it.

At 11:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow on the fast! I've done 30 hours and thats it:)
From what I've heard, the prep is key. So next time you will be in better hands!
Sorry about the ring... I hope you find it!

At 7:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope you found your ring!


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