Philippians 3: 18-20
For, as I have told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction,
their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame.
Their mind is on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, The Lord Jesus Christ who by the powerthat enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.
Praise God for a vision into what I don't want to do. Romans 12:2 says be not conformed to the ways of this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. This is a spiritual thing yall. It really is. I pray for more members of the body of Christ to have open eyes and see that their is too much obesity in the Body because we spend too much time making our stomachs our god. Lusting after food all day long, eagerly awaiting the next potluck, or reception, or banquet to get our eat on.
And lets not get on the old school Sunday after church dinners that are so famous in the Black American households. I know because I am victim to it. Well, As of now I WAS victim to it. From now on my stomach will not be my god anymore. I cannot serve two masters, only one. The stomach god has to go and the REAL GOD, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has to reign supreme. I know that salvation is a process and I thank God for opening up my knowledge and getting understanding on this. It's about living long enough to see the salvation and glory of the Lord and i want to be the healthiest me that I can be while seeking that. I don't want to be victim to High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, hypo or hyperglycemia, Hypo or hyperthyroidism(already have), high Cholestoral, High Cancer risk, Fibromagalia, Lymphoma, or anything else that I can prevent. It's time to stand upon the solid rock for guidance. I guarantee that every single need for everyday people is covered in the bible. I was searching for scriptures to support losing weight in the bible a couple of years ago and could find none, atleast none that I thought were valid because I was searching in my flesh for answers. It took really tapping into God and seeing things from a spiritual point of view to open my mind up and find the appropriate scriptures for this journey. Okay well, I'm sounding off for now. See ya!