Thursday, April 28, 2005

The month is closing out

The month is closing out and I have been drinking water like a fish!!. I expect to grow gills someday soon here LOL. I have always made it a policy to drink half of my body weight in ounces per day and with the weight that I was at, honey that was ALOT of ounces. But seemingly todays water intake quota has almost been fulfilled and it's not even 11:30 am yet. What's up with that? I've been peeing like a race horse but I'm craving water like it's going out of style. I know, I know, this is a very good thing but it's also a little irritating. I don't want to overhydrate myself today so hopefully I can space out this last 32 ounces of water that I need to drink I mean I'm not even hungry at all. I used to have to choke water down I just wouldn't drink it. Shoot Kool aid, Juice, POP and even milk where better alternatives to me them in my own mind to drink but now water is just about the ONLY beverage that I drink. Well that and tea. Hey I heard some great reviews about green tea so I may try to get a couple of cups of green tea in fot the next few days and see how that works. I'll keep you updates with the results to that.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I feel a blog coming on

I don't know what's the deal with this but I just felt it was time to blog LOL. time to check in with you wonderful ladies and gents and tell ya what the happs are around here. Actually nothing right now LOL. But I've been doing my 5 day ab workout with the firm and I am feeling the burn all day today. My stomach and sides are really sore but that's good no pain no gain right? I'm not complaining by far at all, I just wanted to let you guys know that it's working.

Oh OH guess what. On my lunch instead of working out I had to drop my hubby's cell phone off to him because he forgot to grab it this morning so on my way there I started examining my fingers, Don't ask me why I just did (LOL) My fingers are deflating and forming wrinkles!!!!! Okay normally a person would cry out about the change of life or something like that but I was praising God because that showed me that all these fat molecules in my hands are shrinking and melting and skin is what gonna be left. I mean I could litterally pinch skin up offa my hand and my wedding band is so big I can put it on my thumb. Unfortunately a couple of years ago while on weight watchers I lost alot of weight and one day my wedding ring up and slipped offa my finger one day while I was driving in my car and I felt so bad about it. I just never got another ring. I have been wearing my band because also The ring was so new that we didn't have insurance on it. Well this time I know to get the ring sized. AS embarrassing as it is to say I was wearing a comfy sioze 10 in rings, I think I may be now down to a 9 the way this band is trying to slip off of my fingers. I've always had skinny'ET phone home' fingers and when I started gaining weight even for my hands to get fatter they were never chubby fingers or pudgy paws or anything just big ole hands LOL. I'm so glad they've come down a bit.

Oh yeah AND I can tell my neck is going down. I have the stretch rings showing up how awesome is that? My husband told me this a long time ago and I never paid him any attention but he said you can tell a person has lost weight by looking at their neck and if they have those rings you know that they have lost some weight. Well I guess he is right because this neck is coming down BABY!! LOL
Most of these issues that I talk about folk would seriously be embarrased but me OH NOOO honey I delight and joy in these things because I know they mean change. Spiritually and naturally.

Keep God first and everything will flow perfectly behind you

Monday, April 25, 2005

New small victories

Oh yeah I forgot to put this in the other post but I am getting so much stronger. I can now do 10 full body pushups without buckling LOL. Not girl pushups, Not wall pushups, But REAL full body, legs straight , lower your chest to the ground, no booty in the air pushups!!!! I'm so happy about this yall I tell ya!! Oh yeah and guess what else? I can fit a normal sized bathtowel around me with only a little gap in it!!!!! This is awesome yall, And I can wear a belt. Is it not awesome?!?! I know that these may be small insignificant things to you all but that is a MAJOR accomplishment to me because I have had to do without because of greed for so long it's just wonderful to see these things. Praise God for discipline and guidance in all of this!!! Hey I even fell a little better than the last post. I may come back and tell you guys about the workout HAHAHA. I dunno how many posts can you blog in one day?

at work

For some odd reason I am soooooo tired today. I dunno maybe my energy will be back up after I workout on lunch. And I also had stomach cramps then went to the restroom and had a good bowl movement that eased the pain. I had to take a break for about 6-7 minutes and get some fresh air. I dunno what's up with my body today. I had a snack of a banana and a small box of raisins this morning but then that was when I had my bowel movement. Anyhoo after I work out I will be eating a home made salad with some wheat thins (my staple crackers. I will fight you over my wheat thins and wheatables LOL. They are the perfect little snack. I found out about them over 2 years ago when I was doing weight watchers, they were low in points and tasted sooooo good I liked them instantly! Well I'm heading over to the gym and then I will feast on my salad and crackers yummy when I get back.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Eating sensibly

I am so proud of myself. I ate a meal today after church and I couldn't even get halfway through my plate because I was full by the time i ate about 1/3 of my food!!!! Praise God for showing me discipline in my eating I didn't overeat and that's what matters.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

255.5 lbs woohoo

Okay well it's a little bit of a faux pas woohoo. There is a reason why my wieght is down that is directed only by the holy spirit. But I pray that when my eating habits are back to normal, I can control it. I have great expectations on what God has for my life and I am going through a transformation spiritually and naturally so I receive all of Gods instructions for me in that light.

I have received so much from this conference that we have been holding that I could feast on that spiritual food for a few months LOL. But naturally I know that my main objective in this weightloss journey is to eat only when hungry and stop when full. Our bodies are like A gas tank, food is the fuel. You wouldn't put more fuel in an already full tank would you? Well it's the same with food. Why eat if your not hungry? Because it looks good? Because it smells good? Because everyone else is doing it? Those were my main reasons. Well God had to show me different. Food is fuel, not a cushion, Not a person with arms to hold you when you are down, Not an idol to worship, it is plainly put....FUEL. I have chosen to eat healthier options of food just because it effects my body differently to eat healthy instead of eating fast food, greasy fried foods, and heavy processed foods. You see, healthy foods make my skin glow and my hair grow and a better body image, greasy foods cause breakouts, oily skin and crunchy hair(well atleast for me it does LOL).

That is basically my choice though. As long as you can eat when hungry and stop when truly full(and it doesn't take much to get full) you can eat whatever you want. To get more information on this you should check out Gwen Shamblin's book called Rise Above. GOd CAN help you to lose weight and keep it off forever. WW is also a great tool to use as well.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Dedication to the Father, losing this weight 04/22/05

Okay so today we are having the 2nd day of a 4 day conference at my church. I am on the praise and worship team of my church and so I will be singing all four days but there seems so to be a teeny problem...........I have no voice!! I've been nursing my throat to health and I knew this before the actual conference began. The preaching that came forth last night was so filling it was about Hope in Unity. I recieved a deposit from it, it was talking about unity in the church and how in the beginning Paul set the Corinthian church in place and taught and discpiled the people there for about 1 1/2 years, but as he left on his journey all ruckus broke lose and there was all kinds of discord within the corinthian church and a word got back to paul about the discord that was going on in the church and paul wrote a letter to the Corinthian church inquiring of the situation and setting some things straight ergo the books of the bible 1 Corinthians, and 2 Corinthians. Paul came about starting the Corinthian church in acts 18:1-11 when the jews would not listen to his preaching and he turned to the gentiles because they believed in the Lord. Anyhoo. Then the preacher went on to speak about how Jesus was prophesied in the book of Isaiah 42:3 and Matthew 12:20 to not throw out a bruised reed or dispense of a wick that has been snuffed out. And even today Jesus will not throw us out to the dogs but he is faithful to forgive our bruised broken , and burnt our lives. People in the body of Christ can easily put up a front like everything is honky dory but sometimes it's not and that's just real but if we were to wallow in our own sorrow we would never make it. That is why when you see us praising God and dancing and singing to the Lord during a worship session in service it's not Just because everything is alright and we've got it going on. Some of us HAVE to praise God because we know that he is God and there is nothing that he cannot do, just praising God lifts your spirits. The energy of a multitude of folk praising God and lifting him up in dance, song, or praise is contagious and you can catch that attitude and recognize God for who he is and not only that but you can praise him for what he's done in your life or what he's going to do. It was such an awesome message and i thought I'd share it with you guys.

Now with my weight I have been stuck at 262-265 fluctuating daily and I can't seem to figure out why. I have been eating extremely healthy and I either run or get on the stairmaster daily for 30 minutes. And running is stepping into new territory for me a whole nother level of workout lately.
I run about 2 miles a day m-w-f so I guess I'm doing good. What's so funny is I run better on the treadmill than I ever did on the ground. I couldn't run for more than about 4-5 minutes on the ground but on the treadmill I can run for 30 minutes @ 4.5 LOL. I haven't ran outside since about Febuary though. I just don't get it. I feel stronger though, I can actually do 10 pushups regular style. It is hard but doable. I haven't even gone back to girl pushups in a long while because that's just too easy to me. I want to push myself and get stronger and not create a crutch by doing easy things. It's early friday morning and I've just called off of work because we have the second session of the conference this morning at 9:00am. I really feel that i am going to receive a word from the Lord that is going to change me spiritually as a matter of fact I know this.

I have been trying(well not really) to get back into the mode of early morning worship. For some odd reason I just couldn't get up in the mornings, unless the Holy Ghost was prompting me to wake up out of my sleep and pray or I have a vision in my sleep and there is a struggle with the enemy that would cause me to wake up and pray. Anyhoo I got up this morning and had some serious wonderful worship and while meditating and listening to the Lord he told me that I was going to go through a change spiritually and i have to continue to seek him in the morning and continue to be obedient to my calling which is an intercessor. I received a word from a prophetess over the television one day as well about transformation, this woman litterally called out my name!!!! On television!!!! And honey I don't have no common name. She called out Doneta and said that the Lord had a word for me about transformation. I came across more scriptures that covered this and in sermons I heard the same thing so God's word is confirmed and i'm jus preparing to recieve whatever God has for me because I know that it is for me.
God showed me that it is okay to work out and give my body endurance but he wants my soul mind and body when it comes to my eating habits. I must let him lead me and I am going to recieve deliverance from greed. I have overcome many things through the Lord therefore I KNOW that my Lord can deliver me from overeating. Whew, Okay yall I know I write alot but I just want to share so much of what is going on with me to you all. Have a blessed rest of the day and I'll be back to update you with more Weight loss stuff and more progress because that's all I'm looking for.

I'm seeing something without my own natural eyes and believing in it without my own natural mind, I'm walking in faith. This weight WILL come off.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

April 14, 2005 The journey of Shedding the old man

Okay so this is my first time blogging. I actually never knew what a blog was but I am glad that i have visited other peoples sites because they give me an idea of how to manage my own blog.

I am 26 years old and I currently weigh 260.8 lbs which is down from 305. My ultimate goal is to get down to 150 lbs but my yearly goal is to get down to 205lbs.

I started working out September 2004 seriously after a visit to the doctors office and finding out that I weighed over 300lbs which was shocking. Anyways I went to the doctors office because one particular day i woke up and my vision was blurry and my body just didn't feel right. I hgad blood tests taken and later found out that I was in the baby stages of diabetes, and my iron levels were anemic (i alredy knew that), and that i have disease called Hypothyroidism.

As soon as the verdict was given I was no longer in the doctors office my mind was far far away. i flashed back to my grandma. She was a diabetic and she passed when I was 15 from complications from diabetes. I thought about her having to stick herself with a needle every day trying to find a soft spot on her stomach, arms or legs to stick the needle in to get insulin into her bloodstream, I thought about her taking so many pills that she had a pill organizer. I thought about her vision going south and having cataracts, and I thought about her having to go to dialysis, getting her leg amputated, and have sugar attack episodes. You see i grew up with my grandma.......she raised me, and as a child i never paid attention to all that she had to do to maintain but right in that moment that the news was delivered, I flashed into that memory and I made up in my mind with My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as a witness that i would never allow my own body to be put through that and if I had anything to say about this I was gonna beat this.
Well my doctor explained to me that because the diabetes was in the baby stages there was a chance that I could beat this. All I had to do was lose weight!!! ADUHHHHHHH.
I have been on many weightloss programs and many many diets, heck I even did WW but every single time i got serious about my weightloss something tragic would happen to me to cause me to turn to my emotional best friend......FOOD. Well I made up in my mind to beat this thing and I've been going strong ever since.

I went back to the doctor in December to have more blood tests taken weighing in at 284 lbs and all traces of the diabetes was GONE. Thank you JESUS!! Hallelujah! My iron levels were brought back to normal but when it is time for the monthly visit I do have to take my medication to keep my iron levels up because I lose so much blood. Sorry, TMI I know but it's real. Unfortunately the Hypothyroidism is still evident and the doctor says that it is a disease that doesn't go away. Hopefully with God's help we can prove them wrong on this one but regardless this is my story and this weightloss is coming off in Jesus Name!!

Over the past 3-4 years my weight has teeter totter between 260-280 but never had it gotten up to this was a shocker for me. I usually get to 260 in my weightloss struggle and then get stuck right there and another tragedy happens to throw me off track. Thankfully I have been able to seek God on guidance and discipline in my struggles and I have overcome most of my emotional eating habits. The enemy is defeated in that endeavor and believe me honey I have had some hectic stuff come my way LOL. okay well now that you all know about me I think it's time to turn in or either find out how to play around with this blogger LOL.